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Can Red Light Therapy Help Strengthen Bones?

Can Red Light Therapy Help Strengthen Bones?

Bone strength matters for all ages. Learn about bone health, osteoporosis, and the role of red light therapy!

Red Light Therapy for Cellulite: Does It Really Work?

Red Light Therapy for Cellulite: Does It Really Work?

Embracing and cherishing your unique self, both inside and out, is a beautiful and empowering journey. Many of us struggle with accepting how our bodies look, often forgetting that the individual b...

Red Light Therapy for Pimple-Prone Skin

Red Light Therapy for Pimple-Prone Skin

Dealing with persistent acne into adulthood? Consider red light therapy as an ally against breakouts.

Red Light Therapy's potential to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and slow the visible signs of aging

Red Light Therapy for Wrinkles: What Science Says

Looking to minimize the signs of aging? Consider red light therapy for a youthful appearance without breaking the bank.

woman with insomnia using red light therapy to help her sleep

Can Red Light Help You Sleep?

Are you making these common mistakes that are preventing you from getting a good night's sleep? Light exposure, food at the wrong times? Get our science backed tips to optimize rest using red light...

Shining Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Shining Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Shorter days, less sunshine - we can already feel our mood and energy taking a nosedive.  Getting enough sunlight during the winter is a struggle in many parts of the world, especially when our job...